Exploring Macbeth through Indian DanceLearning Objectives:
To be able to improvise movements within a group based on themes in Macbeth Success Criteria: Pupils can improvise a sequence of movements that uses expressive hand gestures featured in traditional Indian Dance Pupils are able to allow different parts of the body to lead and influence the rest of the movement. Pupils are able to work in groups to develop actions, expression and chants within q choreographed sequence Key Vocabulary: Contact, under, over, impulse. power, murder, ambition Pupils worked with Devika Rao a traditional Indian dancer who worked with pupils to explore the themes of power, ambition and murder. They integrated traditional Indian dance moves into choreographed pieces retelling the story of Macbeth. Pupils are looking forward to developing their dances further to build up to performances to share. |
Great Work Park Street Choir
Well done to our choir children who have been working really hard after school on a Friday to tackle learning lyrics and dance moves in preparation for Young Voices. Keep up the great work!
Team AF and LL Perform for Each Other
To celebrate the work they had completed this half term in music our two year 6 classes rehearsed and performed their version of 'Fresh Prince of Belair'. They were AMAZING!!!!!
Key Stage 1 Children Enjoy Diwali Performance Workshop
Some of our younger children had the exciting opportunity to work with a groups or artists to explore Diwali the Festival of Light. children listened to stories and used them to inspire a range of drama and dance performances. Amazing day had by all!
YEAR 6 END OF YEAR SHOW Congratulations to our Year 6 team for putting on an amazing end of year show. The singing, dancing and acting was out of this world. Safe to say there wasn't a dry eye in the house. We are all so very proud not only of your talent but about how far you have come on your Park Street Journey. And remember you will be forever Park Street!
EYFS and KS! SUMMER SINGALONG - AMAZING!!!! Your singing was out of this world. Your grown ups thought you were amazing too. Well done everyone on a superb show. YEAR 4 UKULELE PERFORMANCE - The singing and playing were out of this world. Mr Kelly told us it was the best performance of the year. Incredible work everyone. The practising really has paid off. Music Hub PerformancePupils were lucky enough to enjoy a musical performance by Music Hub staff. Children learnt about different instruments and the instrument families they belonged to. We explored music from different places and times and pupils thoroughly enjoyed sharing their thoughts and opinions. Conversation carried on back in classrooms and inspired pupils to explore, share and perform some of their own favourites.
Christmas Class Performances 2021
Well what an amazing set of Christmas performances. Each class performed a selection of Christmas songs and learnt the Makaton actions. Each class produced drama and p0etry performances of the highest quality. Well done to everyone - checkout the video of all our performances on the schools You Tube page. Merry Christmas eveyone!
National Poetry Day 7th October 2021
On National Poetry Day each class explored and performed a class poem - children enjoyed a wide range of poems from countries around the world and from various time periods. Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed exploring the Jabberwocky and employed some green screen technology as part of their drama performances based on the poem.
Ikonjane Lightning Bird- Live Theatre Back at Park Street!
Children and staff had an amazing day working with performers from Fettle and Fable theatre company - they thoroughly enjoyed the performance of Ikonjane The Lightning Bird and also the follow up drama workshops. A really enjoyable and thought provoking day. The children also had the opportunity to watch the meet the makers film and learnt about a range of careers in theatre, art, production and management - careers in the arts are achievable and it is never too early to start being aspirational.
Calling All You Budding Musicians. Please See Below Information on Music Tuition Available in School
Year 5 and 6 Enjoy Performing During Singing Workshops with Luke Mathers
Team LL are feeling 'HAPPY'

Team LL are thoroughly enjoying music work this half term. They have been working on a range of activities based on Happy by Pharrell Williams. They have explored the narrative of the song. They have identified rhythms within the song and composed their own. Year 6 are developing their notation skills and have enjoyed developing pieces involving part singing and group work.
Wow! What an amazing bunch of children we have in our choir. The children did an amazing job, singing a wide range of songs, with children from all over the county. The atmosphere was incredible and it was lovely to see the children engrossed in singing and dancing. They even managed to get the adults involved. Well done choir!
This week pupils have thoroughly enjoyed a visiting performance exploring just how important it is to walk to school. Better for our health! Better for the environment! We understand not all families are in a position to be able to walk to school everyday but this fun and very enjoyable show explored how everyone can make a small change and help improve activity levels, road safety around school and help the environment. The children of Park Street won the show as a prize for their fabulous work during 'Walk to School Week'. Well done all.