Safeguarding at
Wombwell Park Street Primary School
"The school’s work to keep pupils safe and secure is outstanding. Checks are carried out on all adults to make sure they can work with children. Robust systems and policies to keep children safe are in place. Staff are also trained to make sure they are very clear about their responsibilities in keeping pupils safe. Parents agree that the school staff do everything they can to keep children safe."
(Ofsted 2014) |
Leaders and governors ensure that pupils are safe. Staff receive regular training and this is updated when necessary. This means that all staff understand their responsibilities around pupils’ safety and they know what to do when an issue around safeguarding arises. You keep detailed records of the checks you make on staff, including checks on their identity and qualifications. These meet statutory requirements. These checks are also made on governors and any volunteers who come into school. The school keeps records of any incidents that relate to pupils’ safety and safeguarding. This ensures that the relevant staff understand the context of a child and of any safeguarding issues which relate to them. Such information, alongside the training provided, helps the school work effectively with external agencies.
(Ofsted June 2018) |