Special Jobs Around School...
"Pupils readily take on and enjoy additional responsibilities, for example, as members of the school council, eco-committee or e-safety ambassadors. They successfully contribute their views in bringing about improved changes, for example, reducing the number of warnings in place on the traffic-light behaviour system so that it is more effective." (Ofsted 2014)
Wombwell Park Street Primary School children have lots of opportunities to take part in special and important jobs in and around school...take a look!
Head/Deputy Head Boy and Girl
Our Head Boy and Head Girl, supported by our Deputy Head Boys and Girls lead a team of 'Prefects' - a group of Year 6 children who are definitely our 'Always children' and have been for many years! These pupils model our '3Bs' to an outstanding level - Best Work, Best Manners and Best Behaviour! They can ALWAYS be relied upon to be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing! They are perfect prefect role models for others to follow! They are presented with their badges, in a special assembly, at the start of the year.
For 2024-25...
Our Head Boy is Filip in Team LL
Our Head Girl is Rosie in Team AF
Our Deputy Head Boys include: George in Team LL and Jamie in Team AF
Our Deputy Head Girls include: Sadie in Team LL and Sophia in Team AF
Our Prefects, as mentioned above, are our 'Always' children. They lead by example and complete a few jobs through school! We use them to welcome parents to coffee mornings and other special events, we allow them to show visitors around school and we depend on them to take to the streets of Park Street after each Assembly to support younger children in travelling through school quietly and calmly, giving them positive comments for encouragement.
Our Prefects for 2024-25 are as follows:
Cole, Jackson, Mason, Keira, Layla, Cody, Josie and Kobie
Raine, Sonny, Edie, Sam, Elissa, Robin, Lexi, Tyler and Ella
School Council
We have an effective school council which gives children the opportunity of voicing their own opinions. Through an election process, two class council representatives are selected each year to sit on the school council. Please have a look at our blog to see what we have been up to - it is in the 'Kids Zone'. They too are presented with their badges, in a special assembly at the start of the year. This year, Mrs Firth and Mrs Lawson are leading our school council and will be helping the children to make appropriate decisions to help improve our school. One of their first jobs will be to plan and organise 'Wear it Red: stamp out racism' day and our 'Children in Need Day'!
Councillors for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM JF: Louie and Olivia
TEAM CH: Jessica and Jack
TEAM CB: Rae and Tyler
TEAM SG: Hugo and Miah
TEAM JD: Jude and Heidi
TEAM DB: Riley and Mia
TEAM AF: Mason
TEAM LL: Filip and Jenson
School Arts Council
As a school we are passionate about creativity and the arts. Pupils on our Arts Council support Mrs Longden with leading Arts through school. The council work together to plan lots of exciting events and interventions. They work with their peers to find out what children think about the arts at our school and collect ideas and suggestions from them in order to keep the Arts exciting and engaging at our school.
Councillors for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM JF: Esmae
TEAM CH: Alissa
TEAM JD: George and Millie
TEAM DB: Joseph and Oscar
TEAM AF: Mason and Josie
TEAM LL: Lexi and Sam
Eco Warriors
Classes will also elect 2 children as their Eco-Warriors who can be easily recognised by their specially designed badges. They carry out a number of duties around school such as re-cycling, litter picking, energy conservation, and contribute to meetings to form the environmental action plan. They are led by Miss Clementson, our History Leader. They too are presented with their badges, by our Governors, in a special assembly at the start of the year to which parents are invited.
Eco-Warriors for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM EO: Violet and Yousuf
TEAM AC: Diego and Esmae
TEAM JF: Elfreda and Ethan
TEAM CH: Paisley and Tabatha
TEAM CB: Henry and Hazel
TEAM SG: Eden and Tommy-Lee
TEAM JD: Evie and Oliver
TEAM DB: Alfie and Ethan
TEAM LL: Elissa and Edie
Digital Leaders
We have a team of pupils (Y4 and Y5) who promote safe use of the internet (Online Safety) and support Mr Davison and Mrs Firth in their roles as Online Safety Leaders, to deliver assemblies, assist younger pupils in Online Safety lessons and generally raise the profile of Online Safety around school. They too are presented with their badges, in a special assembly at the start of the year.
Our Digital Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
Johnny and Eden
Charlie and Elsie
Noah and Olly
Playground Leaders
Playground Leaders do what their title says! They lead the playground and help our SMSAs organise games and activities for the other children! They too are presented with their badges, in a special assembly at the start of the year.
Our Playground Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
Poppy, Paris, Ava, Josh, Alexander, Lucas
Mia, Amber, Mia, Ahmet, Marshall, Alyla, Tegan
Finely, Jake, Zack, Kobie, Liam, Miles, Mason, Kyran, Josie, Alaia, Cody
Tyler, Robin, Keavy, Sasha, Harry, Sonny, Evelyn, Alexis, Raine, Betsy, Ella, Freya, Riley
Reader Leaders
As a school we are passionate about promoting the love of reading through school. Our reader leaders support Miss Baxter with leading Reading through school. The leaders work with their peers to find out what children think about Reading at our school and collect ideas and suggestions from them in order to keep Reading exciting and engaging at our school. Their first challenege has been to launch the 'Extreme Reading' challenge and to organise their time to listen and support our younger readers through school to keep up.
Our Reading Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM CH: Ella and Cruz
TEAM CB: Grace and Noah
TEAM SG: Eden and Lewis
TEAM JD: Eva and Miles
TEAM DB: Miyah and Joel
TEAM AF: Abigail and Alaia
TEAM LL: Sasha and Ella
Wellbeing Leaders
This little team of leaders are responsible for promoting and supporting the wellbeing of children within our school. They are here to support Team Park Street in being the best place it can be for our young learners to realise their own potential and live a happy and fulfilling life in and out of school,
Our Wellbeing Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM CH: Ivy-Leigh
TEAM SG: George
TEAM JD: Fearne and Tommy
TEAM DB: Freddie-Lee and Miyah
TEAM AF: Kyran and Rosie
TEAM LL: Jenson
Assembly Support
Our Y6 pupils help to support staff before, during and after assembly.
Our Assembly Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
Assembly Set-up Crew:
Cody, Keira, Jackson, Jamie, Layla, Kobie
Team LL
Sadie, Betsy, Sam, Lexi and Tyler
Assembly Support (in the hall):
Kyran, Alaia, Josie, Sofia, Mason
Ella, Raine, Keavy, Sasha, Betsy
Assembly Club Assistants:
Chloe-Louise, Rosie
Tyler, Harry
Head/Deputy Head Boy and Girl
Our Head Boy and Head Girl, supported by our Deputy Head Boys and Girls lead a team of 'Prefects' - a group of Year 6 children who are definitely our 'Always children' and have been for many years! These pupils model our '3Bs' to an outstanding level - Best Work, Best Manners and Best Behaviour! They can ALWAYS be relied upon to be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing! They are perfect prefect role models for others to follow! They are presented with their badges, in a special assembly, at the start of the year.
For 2024-25...
Our Head Boy is Filip in Team LL
Our Head Girl is Rosie in Team AF
Our Deputy Head Boys include: George in Team LL and Jamie in Team AF
Our Deputy Head Girls include: Sadie in Team LL and Sophia in Team AF
Our Prefects, as mentioned above, are our 'Always' children. They lead by example and complete a few jobs through school! We use them to welcome parents to coffee mornings and other special events, we allow them to show visitors around school and we depend on them to take to the streets of Park Street after each Assembly to support younger children in travelling through school quietly and calmly, giving them positive comments for encouragement.
Our Prefects for 2024-25 are as follows:
Cole, Jackson, Mason, Keira, Layla, Cody, Josie and Kobie
Raine, Sonny, Edie, Sam, Elissa, Robin, Lexi, Tyler and Ella
School Council
We have an effective school council which gives children the opportunity of voicing their own opinions. Through an election process, two class council representatives are selected each year to sit on the school council. Please have a look at our blog to see what we have been up to - it is in the 'Kids Zone'. They too are presented with their badges, in a special assembly at the start of the year. This year, Mrs Firth and Mrs Lawson are leading our school council and will be helping the children to make appropriate decisions to help improve our school. One of their first jobs will be to plan and organise 'Wear it Red: stamp out racism' day and our 'Children in Need Day'!
Councillors for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM JF: Louie and Olivia
TEAM CH: Jessica and Jack
TEAM CB: Rae and Tyler
TEAM SG: Hugo and Miah
TEAM JD: Jude and Heidi
TEAM DB: Riley and Mia
TEAM AF: Mason
TEAM LL: Filip and Jenson
School Arts Council
As a school we are passionate about creativity and the arts. Pupils on our Arts Council support Mrs Longden with leading Arts through school. The council work together to plan lots of exciting events and interventions. They work with their peers to find out what children think about the arts at our school and collect ideas and suggestions from them in order to keep the Arts exciting and engaging at our school.
Councillors for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM JF: Esmae
TEAM CH: Alissa
TEAM JD: George and Millie
TEAM DB: Joseph and Oscar
TEAM AF: Mason and Josie
TEAM LL: Lexi and Sam
Eco Warriors
Classes will also elect 2 children as their Eco-Warriors who can be easily recognised by their specially designed badges. They carry out a number of duties around school such as re-cycling, litter picking, energy conservation, and contribute to meetings to form the environmental action plan. They are led by Miss Clementson, our History Leader. They too are presented with their badges, by our Governors, in a special assembly at the start of the year to which parents are invited.
Eco-Warriors for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM EO: Violet and Yousuf
TEAM AC: Diego and Esmae
TEAM JF: Elfreda and Ethan
TEAM CH: Paisley and Tabatha
TEAM CB: Henry and Hazel
TEAM SG: Eden and Tommy-Lee
TEAM JD: Evie and Oliver
TEAM DB: Alfie and Ethan
TEAM LL: Elissa and Edie
Digital Leaders
We have a team of pupils (Y4 and Y5) who promote safe use of the internet (Online Safety) and support Mr Davison and Mrs Firth in their roles as Online Safety Leaders, to deliver assemblies, assist younger pupils in Online Safety lessons and generally raise the profile of Online Safety around school. They too are presented with their badges, in a special assembly at the start of the year.
Our Digital Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
Johnny and Eden
Charlie and Elsie
Noah and Olly
Playground Leaders
Playground Leaders do what their title says! They lead the playground and help our SMSAs organise games and activities for the other children! They too are presented with their badges, in a special assembly at the start of the year.
Our Playground Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
Poppy, Paris, Ava, Josh, Alexander, Lucas
Mia, Amber, Mia, Ahmet, Marshall, Alyla, Tegan
Finely, Jake, Zack, Kobie, Liam, Miles, Mason, Kyran, Josie, Alaia, Cody
Tyler, Robin, Keavy, Sasha, Harry, Sonny, Evelyn, Alexis, Raine, Betsy, Ella, Freya, Riley
Reader Leaders
As a school we are passionate about promoting the love of reading through school. Our reader leaders support Miss Baxter with leading Reading through school. The leaders work with their peers to find out what children think about Reading at our school and collect ideas and suggestions from them in order to keep Reading exciting and engaging at our school. Their first challenege has been to launch the 'Extreme Reading' challenge and to organise their time to listen and support our younger readers through school to keep up.
Our Reading Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM CH: Ella and Cruz
TEAM CB: Grace and Noah
TEAM SG: Eden and Lewis
TEAM JD: Eva and Miles
TEAM DB: Miyah and Joel
TEAM AF: Abigail and Alaia
TEAM LL: Sasha and Ella
Wellbeing Leaders
This little team of leaders are responsible for promoting and supporting the wellbeing of children within our school. They are here to support Team Park Street in being the best place it can be for our young learners to realise their own potential and live a happy and fulfilling life in and out of school,
Our Wellbeing Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
TEAM CH: Ivy-Leigh
TEAM SG: George
TEAM JD: Fearne and Tommy
TEAM DB: Freddie-Lee and Miyah
TEAM AF: Kyran and Rosie
TEAM LL: Jenson
Assembly Support
Our Y6 pupils help to support staff before, during and after assembly.
Our Assembly Leaders for 2024-25 are as follows:
Assembly Set-up Crew:
Cody, Keira, Jackson, Jamie, Layla, Kobie
Team LL
Sadie, Betsy, Sam, Lexi and Tyler
Assembly Support (in the hall):
Kyran, Alaia, Josie, Sofia, Mason
Ella, Raine, Keavy, Sasha, Betsy
Assembly Club Assistants:
Chloe-Louise, Rosie
Tyler, Harry