Literacy - Problems and solutions to include in a letter. Structuring sentences in the style of James helping Cinderella.
Writing up a final copy of their informal letter. Maths - Volume and capacity, measuring and estimating in ml's reading scales on measuring jugs, reading temperatures using a thermometer. Science - how we stay healthy what our bodies need and why. Germs what they are and how they effect our bodies. Task using glitter to show how we spread germs. Making a poster to say we should wash our hands. Looking at food chains and food webs. P.E - Sports day and cheerleading routines. Music - practising for the summer show. Spanish - Learning how to say what brothers and sisters we have in Spanish. Art - using images of fruit and vegetables to create their own face in the style of 'Giuseppe Arcimboldo'. This week we had our sports day, the children were all fabulous, trying their hardest and putting their all into each race. We had some very close finishes too. Well done Team AC we're so proud of you for giving your all! Thank you to the grown ups who joined the parents race, you were great sports!!
Literacy - Understanding the features of an informal letter. Thinking about writing a letter in the theme of James and the giant peach. Looking at a letter wrote to Cinderella from James to help her deal with her mean family. Looking at contractions, what they are and when to use them in letter writing.
Writing a summer poem for the summer concert. Maths - Weighing and measuring, using scales to weigh 2 items and compare them, writing sentences using lighter than and heavier than. Looking at what a g or a kg is and why. Recording and ordering weights heaviest to lightest. using iPad to place a game to weigh parcels in g's or kg's using whole and half numbers. Science - Designing a healthy fruit kebab or smoothie. Trying some fruit (mango, melon, strawberry, pineapple, banana, tomato and orange) to see what they may like and want to include in their kebabs and smoothies. Releasing our butterflies as part of the life cycle of a butterfly. Learning about the importance of bones and the role they play in our bodies. Cricket - A full afternoon of cricket skills. (See post below) Music - Listening and appraising music Our day will come - Amy Winehouse. Practicing for the summer performance on the xylophones '3 little birds' In Art Team AC have been working really hard, first we looked at lots of different fruit, vegetables and flowers to find patterns within them. We took time to do some observational drawing concentrating on the patterns we could see, like the circles in the middle of an onion, the segments of an orange or the petals of a flower. Next each child decided on what they wanted to draw and design to go on their board for printing. Then they etched their designs onto their boards carefully. Finally the children painted their boards and printed it to make their repeating pattern. We have some very talented children in our class and when you see our work we're sure you'll agree!
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July 2023
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