This week children learned about what happens in winter and also learned how to say a short sentence about this season in Spanish.
We used key vocabulary, such as, Las estaciones = The seasons El invierno = Winter La primavera= Spring El verano = Summer El otoño = Autumn Hay cuatro estaciones = There are four seasons
This week children have been building their own sentences using the structure, when, who, what, where, before expanding their sentence with the conjunction and.
In this lesson, learners continued to familiarise themselves with word processors and how they can interact with the computer using a keyboard. The learners focused on adding text and will explore more of the keys found on a keyboard. Finally, they will begin to use the backspace button to remove text from the computer.
This week in maths, children have explored how consecutive numbers have a difference of one. In addition to this, we have also investigated how consecutive odd and even numbers have a difference of two. Once confident and fluent with this way of thinking children will explore how if we add or subtract zero from a number the number will not change.
This is the first lesson in which Year 1 learners will experience using a computer to create and manipulate text. It is important that they know how to log on and follow the rules that keep them safe.
In this lesson, the learners will familiarise themselves with a word processor and think about how they might use this application in the future. The learners will also be identifying and finding keys, before adding text to their page by pressing keys on a keyboard. Children were encouraged to use the key vocabulary; word processor, keyboard, keys, letters and Microsoft word. This week the children have been learning about Eid al-Fitr. Eid is a special occasion for Muslim and is a time for celebration with family and loved ones.
Eid ul Fitr marks the end of the month of Ramadan, a period of month-long fasting for Muslims around the world, and the start of Shawwal, the tenth month in the Islamic calendar. There are two days out of the year dedicated to a celebration called Eid, in the Islamic calendar. Eid ul-Fitr occurs at the end of the month of Ramadan each year, and Eid al-Adha, which occurs on the 10th, 11th and 12 of Dhul Hijjah, last month of the Islamic year. Eid al-Fitr is a special occasion for Muslim and is a time for celebration with family and loved ones. This week in literacy we have intorduced the story "The whales song" Written by "Dyan Sheldon". We loved listening to the story and talking about new words such as "jetty". After listening to the story we created our own whales.
This week we have been singing and moving to our multiplication songs. This week children have thinking biology and how thier bodies work, PE and how they can look after their bodies and DT and how they can engineer their own Fruit Kebab. We have used key words such as nutrition.
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