Not only have our amazing bunch of Year 6s achieved outstanding test results, and performed an end of year show that the West End would be envious of, we are absolutely thrilled to let you know that they have also achieved their Arts Award. Over their final year at Park Street the pupils have engaged in a wide range of arts-based activities, visits and produced a range of high-quality work. These have included:
Team AF and LL visit to the Cooper Gallery where pupils enjoyed looking at and analysing a wide range of artwork. They had the opportunity to study in more detail the work of Henry Moore and created their own sketches based on his animal inspired printwork. The pupils also visited Experience Barnsley and the Tut 22 exhibition. They engaged in workshops and had the opportunity to develop ancient Egyptian inspired artwork. Pupils also had the opportunity to speak to museum and gallery staff about their work and careers in this sector. Park Street is a member of the Yorkshire and Humber Shakespeare hub and were lucky enough to engage in a range of activities during Shakespeare Week. We explored Macbeth through drama and creative writing. Pupils created their own mini books and had the opportunity to explore traditional Indian dance with Davika Rao. Friend of the school and children's poet Conrad Burdkin also visited to work with the children to develop their own class performance poetry. Pupils had chance to speak to Conrad and Davika about arts based careers. Pupils then produced their own independent arts based work and evaluated their own and the work of others. Our talented bunch worked on a wide range of arts projects including: drama sketches for the end of year show, dance work inspired by Macbeth, musical compositions and performances, class artist inspired artwork based on MC Escher and JMW Turner, projects completed at home including a mural depicting every member of Team LL, independent song and lyric writing in Team AF to name just a small selection of work completed. Children will be receiving their certificates on Monday. We could not be any prouder of each and every one of them.
Subject LeadMrs L Longden and Mrs Fitchett Archives
February 2025
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Wombwell Park Street Primary School, Park Street, Barnsley, S73 0HS Telephone: 01226 752029 Email: [email protected] General Enquiries: Our Admin Team will be happy to assist you with any enquiries and direct you to the relevant staff as necessary. Our Leadership team will always be happy to help, as will our Parent Support Advisor Mrs Carol Mason. If you require a paper copy of any of the information found on our website we will be happy to provide you with this free of charge upon request, Please contact a member of our office staff who will be more than willing to help. ECM Trust: |