Team CW
Reception Rainbows
Class blog 22-23
Last week was rainbow week. We began the week by listening to ‘Life is a rainbow’ and have learnt about colour mixing by experimenting with mixing drops of red, yellow and blue dye and in the painting area mixing colours of the rainbow. We listened to the story of Noah’s Ark and retold it with actions and listened on joined in with songs about the story. We made collage rainbows, doves and made arks using the construction materials. The children demonstrated some excellent teamwork making arks together. Later in the week we thought about how we could describe an animal on the ark to write about it as well as sorting animals and putting them into different sized enclosures. We have learnt the Rainbow song using Makaton and enjoyed other songs about rainbows and colours as well as practising our singing for our Christmas concert. In maths we learnt about number 7 and that when counting we do 1 to 1 and the last object we count is our stopping number. We sorted groups of different coloured objects and practised counting to see which colour had the most objects. Later in the week we did more sorting by sorting animals so that only 7 could be in a group.
Last week was Anti-Bullying week. We started the week with Odd sock day and the story of Simon Sock. We talked about the meaning behind the day, shared our odd socks and matched pairs of socks to identify the odd ones. We decorated our own odd socks using creative materials, pens and paint.
During the week we thought about ‘kindness’ we sorted actions into kind and unkind. We made a kindness heart to display with our thoughts on what are kind actions and words. We listened to the story of Elmer designed our own elephants, made large elephant ears and made incredible me! Certificates our friends. This weeks stories taught us about the importance of being kind, playing with and accepting people who are different. That we are all different from each other and special. We listened to some positive songs from Andy and The Odd Socks about kind words and being unique. At the end of the week it was Children in need day and the children enjoyed participating in some events organised by the school council such as a Spot scavenger hunt. In maths we learnt about ‘equal’ identifying equal and un equal amounts and using our learning about ‘more and less’ from the previous week to say if an amount is ‘equal, more or less’. Over the past few weeks Team CW have been working hard with Mr Smith, the PE leader, to help develop their gross motor skills.
We have been working on fundamental movement skills. All the children have been listening carefully to instructions to jog, walk in different directions and skip! We have worked on these by doing a variety of games. A couple of examples are the bean game and follow the leader. The children are progressing every week and they follow every instruction given to them! We have been learning two different topics this week. Firstly, we learnt about Road Safety. We explored materials with different torches and investigated which materials were shiny that could help keep us safe in the winter weather and during the darker evenings. We also used a range of materials in our creative area to design hi-vis vests. In the role play area, we had hi-vis vests and lolly pop signs and were able to practise crossing the road. We were able to put this into practise when we crossed the road to Welly Walk!
We learnt about Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies. We watched a story about animals and how they felt when soldiers came. We knew that before the soldiers came and after they left the emotions that the animals were feeling were “excited” “happy” and “safe.” We talked about how their lives changed when the soldiers arrived and decided that the good emotions had changed and the animals were feeling “scared,” “frightened”, “terrified” and “worried.” We enjoyed making poppies using different materials and textures, and practised our cutting skills to make tissue paper poppies. We all wore our poppy with pride! In maths we learnt about “more” and “less” and could identify these groups of objects. We also learnt about squares and rectangles and their properties. We used the words “straight”, “sides”, “corners”, “length” and “equal” to describe them. In phonics we have been continuing to learn the handwriting phrases for Set 1 sounds and some of us have been “Fred Talking” to segment and blend to read green word cards with CVC words on. Some of us have been orally blending and some of us have been using magnetic letters to write CVC words. On Welly Walk we explored our Autumn woodland and made bark and leaf rubbings. We were able to identify leaves that were smooth, soft, spikey, bumpy and brittle. Everyone looked fantastic for our “wear your favourite word day!” There were some very creative costumes and fantastic words, such as “curious” “hero” “sporty” “dangerous” “love” and “outer space.” We really enjoyed talking about our word and describing it to our friends! Last week we began out topic of Sparkle and Shine. We began the week with two days celebrating and learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali and then two days celebrating and learning about Bonfire Night. The children made sparkly pictures and explored cutting tubes to make firework prints. They designed and coloured mendi hand patterns, made lanterns and rangoli patterns, as well as learning though stories and videos about how Diwali is celebrated by British Hindus. We also looked at how dance and fireworks are important to Diwali, the festival or light. The children recalled the story they learnt through dance before the holiday or Rama and Sita. Wetalked about how the light was to lead Rama and Sita home and that light and goodness would overcome darkness. We also shared some naan bread and poppadoms at snack time. We used our senses to explore some spices used in Indian cooking and made rangoli patterns using paint mixed with spices. Later in the week chidren used their phonics to hear the sounds in words such as bang and try and write some of these sound words. They made shape rockets and used creative materials to make sparklers. They also used their funky fingers to make patterns in glitter with paint brushes.
In Maths we began learning about number 6 and representing the number as well as looking at ordering numbers to 6 and shapes with 6 sides. |
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