Team CW
Reception Rainbows
Class blog 22-23
This week we learnt a new poem with actions called "I have a Little Frog." Here we are working hard to perform it!
This week Rainbows have been learning why we celebrate Easter and have been completing lots of different Easter activities.
We began by learning about the First Easter story and know that Christians celebrate Easter. We listened carefully to the story and could tell our friends that Jesus was a good man who helped others. We know that Jesus invited his friends to the Last Supper and shared bread and wine with them. After Jesus died, an angel came to say he had risen and Jesus spoke to his friends before rising to heaven. The children asked lots of interesting questions and wondered why the thief Barabbas was set free instead of Jesus who helped people. We practised learning Easter Makaton signs as the post below shows. We hope you enjoy watching us! We also learnt a brand new poem which we have added to a separate post. We are getting really confident learning the words and actions and we only practised a few times! We took part in different physical activities for Feel Good Friday including active maths songs and Just Dance. Our Easter activities have had lots of physical development and creative development focuses. We made Easter baskets and connected each piece together after we decorated them. Some of us made Easter cards decorated with an egg. We made a hinge for the egg using a split pin so it opened to reveal a chick inside. Our art focus of the week was "Pointillism." We decorated egg pictures using paint and a cotton bud to create dots and patterns. Some of us wrote a letter to the Easter Bunny and we all voted for our favourite book to read. We chose one about Springtime. A member of Team CW created an Easter Bonnet at home and brought it into school to show the Rainbows. We were very impressed! We also made Easter nests after weighing out the chocolate carefully, adding the cornflakes and stirring them together. We decorated them too! We also had a visit from the Easter Bunny who left some footprints, a lovely letter and an Easter egg for each of us! We wish you all a very Happy Easter and hope you enjoy the holidays! Rainbows love learning Makaton signs to communicate with others and we practise everyday. We answer the register using signs as well as questions with yes or no answers. We learn topic related words, such as sea creatures, wild animals and farm animals and this week have been learning Easter Makaton signs. Here are some of the signs we have been using. Team CW have been looking back at all our learning this half term on our learning journey timeline.
We have been discussing the topics and activities we took part in and told our friends what we learnt. We recalled our key vocabulary and have enjoyed sharing our knowledge of our recent topics. Congratulations to our colouring competition winner run by Charlesworth Funeral Services!
Well done! Rainbows are continuing to develop their independence at dinnertime by setting the table. We are moving around the hall safely and walking with cutlery, then setting our own space at the table.
We are continuing to select our own food from the salad bar to accompany our meal. We are mindful of sensible and appropriate portion control to keep ourselves healthy and so we do not waste food. Here are some photos of food we have chosen from the salad bar. Rainbows love listening to poems and this week we have been learning to recite one and add actions. The poem is called "Stepping Stones." It has six lines to learn and each line has actions to accompany it. We can recite the poem confidently and have had so much fun learning it! We have even been stopping adults around school to share the poem and everyone is really proud of us! Each week we will learn a new poem to perform! Team CW enjoyed learning about Shakespeare this week in Drama. First we had a history lesson and learnt how times were different over 400 years ago when Shakespeare was alive.
We began by looking at how clothes and houses were different to what we see today. After looking at sources we could say that men sometimes wore short trousers, wore a cape over one shoulder and had different hairstyles. When learning about other aspects of society we were surprised that beds sometimes had curtains around to help keep people warm and that there was no electricity, just candles! We learnt that Shakespeare had 9 brothers and sisters and lived on a farm. His dad made gloves and sold them from his house. We were also surprised that in the past it was common for Falcons to be kept as pets! We know that Shakespeare was a writer and wrote stories and plays. He is a very important person and is known throughout the World! Team CW then watched a summary of one of his famous plays; A Midsummer Nights Dream and completed a Drama activity showing Freeze Frames of different characters and emotions from the story. This week during our indoor and outdoor learning we have been exploring capacity. We have been learning the words "full," "empty" "half full/empty" "nearly full/empty" and "capacity."
We have been exploring using water, stones and sand and could identify how full the containers were. We had lots of fun! Here are some photos of our learning! We have been taking part in Talk Through Story lessons. The purpose of these lessons is to extend and deepen children’s vocabulary so that they can understand the books they will be able to read for themselves. Listening to stories is vital to support children's development and Talk Through Stories aims to support this.
This week our story has been "Lost and Found." We enjoyed listening to the story and learning new vocabulary. We chose to add "discovered" to our vocabulary tree in the Literacy area and know that it means to find something. Our example was "The pirates discovered the treasure!" We joined in repeating key phrases from the book as we read the story and were able to identify our key word "discovered." Our favourite learning activity was taking part in some drama and doing some freeze frames. We used our imagination to pretend we were the boy from the story and had to freeze frame how we would feel when we opened the door and saw the penguin stood there, then freeze frame how we would feel when we could not find the penguin. Our expressions were fantastic and we repeated back key phrase we might say using MTYT, including "You look surprised!" "We are surprised!" and "You look speechless!" "We are speechless!" We used key phrases throughout the week to support our understanding of key words and important phrases that help support our understanding. Here are some of our freeze frames! Can you guess how we were feeling? |
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