Team LL Class Blog
Whilst reading our class novel Stormbreaker, the class were set the challenge of supporting Alex Rider with his decision making process. In the chapter 'So What Do You Say?' Alex is asked to take on a dangerous mission under cover. The pupils in year 6 worked hard to generate points for and against and we created diamond 9s and had a pretty exciting class debate. We also explored features of persuasive and balanced letter writing and the pupils each wrote to Alex giving their thoughts and opinions. some first class letters created Well done!
In week 4 year 6 were presented with an equally tricky challenge. After reading all about the whacky gadgets Alex was given to use on his mission the class were given the job of creating their own spy gadget. In pairs and small groups the children set about drawing their designs and writing all about the features, instructions for use and warnings for each gadget.. To make things even more exciting Team AF and Team LL had to compete in a Dragon's Den type competition to pitch their designs. A winner gadget was chosen from each class. In maths we continued to further develop our place value skills with some exciting reasoning activities, games and problem solving. In week 4 we have been revising formal written methods for addition and subtraction and applying our skills to word problems and other challenging problems and activities.
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Welcome back! Team LL have had an amazing first week back. We have engaged in two really brilliant transition days. The children have suggested a wide range of things they would like to learn about and are really looking forward to exploring the topics we have planned. We have started reading our class novel Stormbreaker and all the pupils are totally hooked already. In maths we have began some revision around place value and have been trying out a range of challenges and problems. All in all an amazing first week back for our brand new Year 6 pupils!
Team LL BlogWelcome to Team LL's blog. Check out our page to see what exciting things we've been learning about each week. You'll also find important messages about key dates and activities taking place in Team LL. Archives
September 2022
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