A very exciting, albeit very cold, day was had by Team AC and Team CB as they ventured back in time to the Roman era on their visit to Murton Park near York this week. On arrival at the camp they were greeted by the duty centurion and were split into groups and marched to their barracks in the Roman Fort where they were introduced to what life would have been like for the soldiers who lived over 2000 years ago. First they were kitted out with Roman uniforms and took part in different activities during the day. They immersed themselves in writing the date in Roman numerals and practised writing their alphabet in Latin . They were taught how to make oil lamps from clay using the pinching method where they learnt that these would have been the only form of lighting at this time.
One of their favourite activities was learning the essential military skills of marching whilst saying 'sin dex' (left right) and using a sword and shield. They understood how the Roman armies would work together in formation to create barriers against the enemies such as the Celts from Britain. Wooden swords were used to attack the 'cloth bag' enemies and wooden spears were thrown, with increasing accuracy, at target posts. Despite the cold, wet and muddy conditions the children had a wonderful time bringing history to life! 'Brilliant', 'great', 'fun', 'the best' were just some of the words use to describe this very interesting and educational day. It will give the children so much more understanding of what life was like in the Roman armies at that time.
Today in our Monday whole school cultural assembly, we have studied the famous person, Aretha Franklin!
We learnt all about Aretha's early life as a gospel singer and how this shaped her life. We learnt about how her father was instrumental in seeing her talents and allowing her to show these to the world! We learnt about how she was very good friends with people like Martin Luther King and supported him on his endeavours to promote equality for everyone. The children enjoyed listening to a few of her songs like RESPECT and we related this back to our Golden Rules in school. We love Aretha's songs as they promote being a good person...just like a Park Streeter does! Year 2 have been researching to find out about Skara Brae and what archaeological evidence has been found there.
They were able to learn new facts and use this to answer questions detailing why the finds were important, what they tell us about life in the Stone Age and how people's lives changed throughout the era. Here is an example of their work. This week every class has been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day and why we celebrate such a special day.
We came together in a special assembly and learnt about the history of the poppy and why the poppy is used as a representation. We spoke about why we have minutes silence, where this began and why we still do it today. We also thought about how important that reflection time was as a way of showing our gratitude for people that are still supporting their country and us today. Each class have taken part in Special activities to reflect this and produced some amazing work. Children in Team HG loved sharing their knowledgeable stories of significant people in their families who played a part in the war effort. It was amazing to hear of all the amazing people that they knew of in their families, who played such significant parts in the war. They decided they will always be eternally grateful for their courageousness and love for their country. Team CW created some poppies after learning about why they are significant and why it is important we wear them and remember. The children used different materials and different textures to create their poppies and wore them with pride. They also watched a story about animals and how their life changed when soldiers came. They learnt about different emotions and that when things change our emotions can change too, and that we can feel lots of different emotions at once, just like soldiers might have felt. The children could see the animals were "happy", "safe" and "excited" before the soldiers came and after they left. They then said they felt "scared", "terrified", "worried" and "frightened" when the soldiers arrived. Everyone thought soldiers were very brave. In Team DB the children looked at different PowerPoints in regard to the history of Remembrance Day and why it is commemorated each year. The children also began to develop their understanding as to why it is the poppy that is worn, reading the poem In Flanders Fields, and how the poet saw the poppy growing between the graves which inspired some of the lines in the poem. We also looked at how it is not only people that are remembered but also animals too and the importance of animals during the First World War and the Second World War. The children created a poppy in their Art lesson this week to create a poppy wreath in class, as well as doing colouring activities during Incredible Us! time to reflect. Team JD have watched a video reciting the ‘Flander’s Field’ poem, read through an information PowerPoint explaining the reasoning and symbolism of poppies and remembrance, observed a 2-minute silence at the eleventh hour. Team JD also created a poppy collage and decorated the class window for parents and children to see as they walk past. Team CH have spent the afternoon thinking about people that have helped us. People such as solders, doctors, nurses, firefighters and paramedics. They talked about Mervyn Kersh a solider who fought in the second world war, Nicole Brown who is part of the Royal Navy and Joan Bunn who was a firefighter during the second world war. They also looked at other ways of remembrance such as visiting the Sikh War Memorial, wearing a poppy and holding a minute silence. Year 2 and 3 have been learning about the life of the significant individual Guy Fawkes and the historical event that he took part in on 5th November. They began by discussing what they already knew about Bonfire Night and shared it with the class. They learnt about Guy Fawkes and his role then shared their knowledge about him. Here are some facts the children were able to learnt and talk about.
Subject LeadMiss C Clementson and Mrs S Allen Archives
February 2025
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