In Team CB they have been focussing on the Roman army and the invasion of Britain.
The class have used their drama skills to act out the reasons that the Roman army were so successful against other countries. They have developed clear reasons for why the army conquered so many countries. They also looked at what Britain could offer the Romans and their decisions for invading. Did you know, cattle, gold coins and materials were just some of the resources Romans were desperate to get their hands on? Finally, they have spent time re-creating the attempts to invade Britain. The class worked in small groups as either Julius Casear or Claudius to dramatise the attempted and ultimately successful invasion of Britain.
This term Team AC have been working on understanding what ‘chronology’ means. We have looked at the construction of timelines and found where each era fits from prehistoric times through the Stone Age, Bronze and Iron Ages to the Romans. We have worked hard to understand the terms BCE (BC) and CE (AD) and how this works through different historical eras.
We have studied the three different stages of the Stone Age; the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras. As part of this we have looked what changes occurred during these stages, why they occurred and how these changes have effected the way we live today. We discovered how and why the stone age moved onto the metal ages and beyond. Our understanding of this time has been enhanced through making conceptual links in art , geography and literacy too. In the next few days, Year 5 children will be introduced to a new role in school! We are looking for two enthusiastic learners to help promote history through school! This is a brand new role for children at Park Street and is very exciting to be part of!
These "History Ambassadors" will work with Miss Clementson and Mrs Allen to lead a variety of activities and special events, from leading learning activities with younger children in school, organising history competitions or events, talking to children about what they are learning in history and many, many more exciting things! We are looking forward to seeing who applies, and also to see who each class votes for that they think will put their all into this new and inspiring role! Watch this space to meet our newly chosen history ambassadors and learn more about what they will be doing throughout the year. As part of our work on natural disasters the children in Year 6 researched the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD. They explored historical evidence uncovered by archaeologists in Pompeii and Herculaneum as well as translated letters from Pliny who wrote at the time. Children formulated opinions about what impact the volcanic eruption had based on the sources presented and drawing on their new knowledge of volcanoes.
During literacy we have also revisited the biography of Guy Fawkes and explored the build up, context and legacy of the Gunpowder Plot. Children built on their existing knowledge of Guy Fawkes to explore concepts of religion, politics and related elements of social history. Year 2 have been enjoying their history topic learning new vocabulary and key facts about the Iron Age. They know how houses looked and were constructed and how the introduction of Iron helped support and enhance their daily lives.
Subject LeadMiss C Clementson and Mrs S Allen Archives
November 2024
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