A BIG well done to our Readers of the Week again this week! It has been wonderful to see so many boys and girls continue to put effort in over the Christmas break! Miss Fury was bursting with pride at Ruby in Team JF who read every single day over the Christmas holidays, only having Christmas day off - and quite right too! Well done Team Park Street!
A HUGE well done to all of our Readers of the Week for the autumn term! We are so very proud of each and every one of you for your dedication and efforts outside of school! Keep it up!
In reading, Team CB have worked really hard to move to a more comprehension focussed approach to reading. The class have linked reading to their text driver Fantastic Mr Fox and have looked at both the fictional text, non-fiction extracts on foxes and poetry. Vocabulary and retrieval have been a key VIPERS focus. The class have spent time each week unpicking texts and using images and actions to develop an understanding of unfamiliar words, enabling them to use these in context and explain their meaning. They have then built upon their fluency skills through choral reads and echo reading. The class can explain what expression and intonation is and are beginning to effectively model this in their own reading. During the latter part of the half term, Team CB have concentrated on retrieval based comprehension questions where the children have developed a clear procedure for locating information – Read the question, identify key information, skim/scan for target language, re-read the question and form an answer.
This half term Team AC have been working hard in their Read Write Inc sessions, focussing on learning more phonemes to help them become successful, independent readers. Elsewhere in Literacy, the class have been reading 'The Highway Rat' by their acclaimed author Julia Donaldson. It has given the class lots of opportunity for oracy and discussion about the characters and events in the story. They have also used it as a basis for their writing and the class ended the half term with a final independent piece using all the skills they had learnt. Team AC are looking forward to sharing their work with the teachers from their previous class to show what successful writers they are becoming.
This half term Team CW have started their RWI phonics journey. They have been learning to orally blend and have been playing some “Fred Games” to help them hear words. The team have been learning new sounds and can spot these sounds within a pack of recently learnt sounds. Some of the class have been learning to “Fred Talk Read the Word” to help read CVC words, and some have even been spotting “special friends” in words!
The class' core book this half term has been Owl Babies and they have been learning to join in and retell the story to become familiar with it. As a class, the children have been developing their oracy skills which will in turn help them to become good readers and writers. Team CW have started to learn lots of new vocabulary to add to their vocabulary tree and have had lots of fun learning about stories in more depth for Talk Through Stories. A class favourite has been Supertato! Each day the class vote for their favourite story to be read before home time to help them maintain their love for stories and books! Back in 2019, Wombwell Park Street Primary School established a Junior Reader Leader Team. This was designed with the aim of providing pupil voice around reading and ensuring that we upskilled our children to become independent, confident readers who could offer support to others as they begin their reading journey.
This week our Junior Reader Leader list has been finalised and throughout the year Miss Baxter will be working closely with the following children to drive reading forward in school: Ella and Cruz Grace and Noah Eden and Lewis Eva and Miles Miyah and Joel Abigail and Alaia Ella and Sasha Huge well done to our newly appointed JRL - I cannot wait to work with you all! Firstly, I would like to wish you all a warm welcome back to a new academic year and hope you have all had a restful holidays. As with the start of any new academic year comes fresh reading opportunities for our children to engage with.
This year, we have further refined our reading offer to children through whole class text drivers which they will use to develop their reading stamina and skill and also to support their writing. In Autumn 1 our classes will study their class acclaimed author, reading books from their collection and inspiring their written work. Each class has their own acclaimed author so that over time children grow familiar with the work of different authors and styles and begin to express their own personal reader identity. Below are the key authors being covered this half term: Team AC: Julia Donaldson Team JF: Oliver Jeffers Team CH: Rachel Bright Team CB: Roald Dahl Team SG: David Walliams Team JD: J K Rowling Team DB: Michael Morpurgo Team LL and AF: Anthony Horowitz A BIG well done to all of the Park Streeters who are keeping on going with their reading in this final term! I can't wait to see you BIG achievers at the end of this year at the 150 and 250 reading stamp events! Keep going Park Street!
Another BIG well done to our Park Streeter this week, who have been working hard on their reading, even in the holidays! A HUGE well done, it was lovely to see so many children on their feet in Golden Book Assembly!
We had a great afternoon today with our Park Streeters who have attained 150 reads this academic year! Well done! We had fun with our Artists Mrs Fitchett, doing positivity Art, step by step Art to drawing Animals and a special Harry Potter themed colouring table! We also had a biscuit decorating table too, which the children LOVED!
Well done Park Street! |
Subject LeadMiss C McGinnes and Miss C Baxter Archives
January 2025
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Wombwell Park Street Primary School, Park Street, Barnsley, S73 0HS Telephone: 01226 752029 Email: [email protected] General Enquiries: Our Admin Team will be happy to assist you with any enquiries and direct you to the relevant staff as necessary. Our Leadership team will always be happy to help, as will our Parent Support Advisor Mrs Carol Mason. If you require a paper copy of any of the information found on our website we will be happy to provide you with this free of charge upon request, Please contact a member of our office staff who will be more than willing to help. ECM Trust: http://www.ecmtrust.org/index.html |