We have had an excellent day in Whitby and I would like to give credit to each and every member of Team LG for their fantastic behaviour. You have done Park Street Proud!
Our day began with a short walk through the cobbled streets, before we headed over the swing bridge to the boat moorings. We sailed out to sea on Captain Cook's Bark Endeavour but unfortunately the sea was quite rough so it wasn't long before we headed back to the harbour. Following this, we dined at the Magpie Cafe, stuffing ourselves full, not only with fish and chips but with ice-cream too. After lunch, we walked to the beach and participated in fossil hunting before attempting a spot of crabbing. However, we had very little luck as the tide was out, which meant we attracted more seagulls than anything else. Heading back to the coach, we had to walk up the 199 steps. It's safe to say that after all the exercise it was a quiet journey back to school. A fab day was had by all!
Throughout each school year, there are opportunities where it is valuable to visit the local area to enhance the curriculum, particularly for Geography and History. It is essential that we have parental permission for these educational visits, alongside the risk assessments which school carries out before a trip. As part of the Year 5 Geography topic this term, we are currently organising to take the children out and about around Wombwell. Our current topic focusses heavily on the similarities and differences between Wombwell and Whitby, allowing the children to compare the geographical features, heritage, economy, history and industry. We feel that by visiting Wombwell itself and following our scheduled day trip to Whitby, the children will be able to make these comparisons. Due to the current weather conditions, it is not always possible to predict whether a trip out of school will be possible on certain dates and therefore this may have to be decided a couple of days in advance. It also means that scheduled dates may need to be cancelled if the weather is not suitable. To avoid issuing the same letter each time, we are asking parents/carers to give permission for any local visit throughout this term. This means that if a visit has to be cancelled due to the weather etc, you will not be required to sign any further consent forms. As class teacher, I will notify you a couple of days in advance of intended walks around the area to ensure that children come to school in appropriate footwear and clothing. A letter address to parents/carers regarding this is being sent out this afternoon. However, you can also download the permission slip by clicking on the file below.
A reminder to parents/carers about our class trip to Whitby on Friday 28th September.
The majority of the day will be self-guided, giving the children a chance to visit the harbour, beach, town and Abbey. Throughout the trip, the children will have the opportunity to experience crabbing, fossil hunting, sandcastle building, take a boat ride on Captain Cook’s Bark Endeavour, walk up/down the iconic 199 steps and head up to Whitby Abbey itself. All these activities have strong cross-curricular links with Geography, History and Science. Whilst on the trip we would also like to take the children for a fish and chip dinner and treat them to an ice-cream. As the trip includes a fish and chip dinner, children are not required to take a packed lunch with them (unless they do not wish to take part in fish and chips). However, if the children would like to take a snack and soft drink to eat at some other point in the day, we will ensure the children have the opportunity for a short break in the morning and before heading home. If your child has any dietary requirements, we ask that you inform staff in advance to allow us to make the appropriate arrangements. To enable to children to make the most of the day, and to avoid rush hour traffic, we would ask that the children arrive at school for 7:15am, ready for the coach’s departure at 7:30am. On return, the coach will arrive back at school for 6pm in the evening. Although this will be a long day for the children and staff, it will allow them plenty of time to fit all the activities into one day and ensure that the children get the best experience of Whitby as possible. Maths
Throughout the past couple of weeks we have continued to look at place value, in particular identifying the value of each digit and comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000,000. We have worked hard to develop our reasoning to be able to explain to others how we have solved questions and problems. This is not an easy skill to master and is something we will be working on throughout the year. Literacy We continued with reading 'The Highwayman' poem and have completed our first Point, Evidence, Explanation piece of work based on our opinions of the Highwayman and Bess. Linking to the poem, we have also started to write our own ghost story based on Wombwell Woods and Convicts Tunnel. Yesterday, we took a trip to Park Street's nature reserve to listen to the sounds we might experience out in the wild. We will be using this experience to edit and improve our writing so far. Maths
As it is the beginning of a new school year, we have started our 'Three Week Tables Challenge' and we have already began to show progress in the short space of time that we have been back in class. In addition to this, we have began working on our knowledge of Place Value and have worked practically using the Base Ten Blocks. It's been fun using resources for our learning, not only to improve what we know but to also be able to explain our thinking. Literacy Our first unit of work has enabled us to start thinking about characterisation used in poetry. So far, we have read the first three verses of 'The Highwayman' and began discussing the language used in this poem and how it is different to language used today. We used images of 'The Highwayman' to explore our ideas about this character and understand the role of highwaymen in the past. Hello and welcome back Harmonious Heroes! Can you believe you're now in Year 5? I hope you've all had a fabulous summer and by the stories you have told it sounds like you have. Fingers crossed you're all ready to get cracking with some challenging but fun learning!
What a fab first day we have had. I am pleased to say that each and everyone has shown 100% effort and tried extremely hard in all our lessons today. What a brilliant start to the year - keep it up! |
Team LF BlogWelcome to Team LF's blog. Check out our page to see what exciting things we've been learning about each week. You'll also find important messages about key dates and activities taking place in Team LF. Archives
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Wombwell Park Street Primary School, Park Street, Barnsley, S73 0HS Telephone: 01226 752029 Email: [email protected] General Enquiries: Our Admin Team will be happy to assist you with any enquiries and direct you to the relevant staff as necessary. Our Leadership team will always be happy to help, as will our Parent Support Advisor Mrs Carol Mason. If you require a paper copy of any of the information found on our website we will be happy to provide you with this free of charge upon request, Please contact a member of our office staff who will be more than willing to help. ECM Trust: http://www.ecmtrust.org/index.html |